Thursday, October 30, 2008

Don't Put Gum on the Bottom of your Desk

Dear, Mr. Thomas

I am terribly sorry for my actions that took place Thursday afternoon, and I intend to not repeat them. Although Mr. Thomas I feel it my duty to inform you of all the details of the events that lead up to Mrs. Oversea's admission to the hospital.
You see Mr.Thomas, it all actually started Thursday morning. It was 7:45 and I was running late for my bus and I didn't have time to complete my daily routine, I left the house with out brushing my teeth or eat my breakfast. Frantically I was racing against the bus to beat it to my bus stop, but failed. In result to missing my bus I had to start on my walk to school. After dodging two dogs, a surprise attack of a sprinkler, not to mention my Grandma's senile pal Bert who doesn't get the point of being in a hurry. Finally, I arrived at school at 9:36 when I arrived to my socials class. Mrs. Oversea was not impressed with my late entrance, I could tell by her hostile glare she shot me. I sat in my regular seat and took my pencil and tried to catch myself up on what I had missed in the hours time I was absent. I turned to my friend Heather Middleton to get an explanation of the gibberish on the board. I saw disgust in her face then quickly realized the awful morning breath I must be giving off, then asked for a piece of gum. Gladly she unzipped her bag and took out a package of gum and gave a piece to me. Now with the mix of the silent classroom and Mrs. Oversea's ability to hear a mouse scurry across the floor 3 classrooms over, she turned to me and with a stern voice said "I hope that's not gum in your mouth Mr. Matthews!" I immediately responded with "No Ma'am!" Heather along with my fellows classmates snickered as she turned back to continue writing on the board.
"Good one," Heather still choked with laughter secretly whispered to me.
Now, no one could have guessed what was about to happen next. It wasn't long before my gum had lost it's flavor 15 minutes later, so much for extra long lasting. Removing the chewed piece of gum out of my mouth, I started to innocently stick it to the bottom of my desk. Unaware of Mrs. Oversea's eyes locked in my direction she began to turn red. My best guess she was fuming with anger, she opened her mouth and spat out "MR. MATTHEWS! YOU HAVE GIVEN ME NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO GIVE YOU DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL TODAY! WHERE YOU CAN NOT ONLY CLEAN THE BOTTOM OF YOUR DESK BUT MAKE SURE THIS ENTIRE ROOM IS SPOTLESS!"
The entire class was in complete shock as was I. Awkward silence was all the remained until the bell rang for the end of class. I never truly appreciated the quote "Saved by the bell" as much as I did at that moment. Well, rather then bore you with the rest of my day leading to 3:00 I'll just get right to it. Although, you may hear the cafeteria lady mention my name and something about causing a ruckus in the lunch line.
I entered Mrs. Oversea's classroom for my second time that day. We made eye contact, I nodded and waited to hear the instructions she was about to leave me. She handed me a scrapper thing and I began taking the gum off all the desks. I was flabbergasted at the amount of gum on the bottom of these desks, and wondered how anyone had managed to do so with Mrs. Oversea's eagle eye. After completing this task I began to clean the chalkboards. This is where trouble began. Mrs. Oversea excused herself, but warned she would be back momentarily and not to think about executing any of my childish antics. Once she left I decided it was time for my break and walked over to her desk and sat in her chair. I took this opportunity to check my email. I looked up and saw Mrs. Oversea glaring at me through the doorway, startled I jumped up and knocked over my pop on her keyboard. Sparks began to fly, Mrs. Oversea screaming at the top of her lungs, a spark must have got on her dress and she was now in flames. Frantically I thought of ways I could help her, unfortunately I'm no Smokey the Bear and only made matters worse. It all happened so fast the only thing I remember getting out was "STOP, DROP AND ROLL! STOP, DROP AND ROLL!" But she wasn't stopping or dropping or rolling! I thought that bringing her down would help her, how was I supposed to know she had a bad hip. Help came and Mrs. Oversea was sent to hospital, luckily there was no damage from the fire that was on her dress but her hip is in rough shape. Doctor says she'll make a full recovery and be back teaching within the month.
So Mr. Thomas as you can see it was all an accident, a terrible mishap. I sincerely hope Mrs. Oversea will find it somewhere in her to forgive me for my terrible actions. Until then I hope you could pass my inquiry to change my socials class in the middle of the semester.

Taylor Matthews

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Top 3 Monday Night TV Shows

Nobody enjoys Monday's, in fact it is the most depressing day of the week. As much as the over tired population would desire to eliminate the day it's unavoidable. Might as well make to most of it, which brings the top 3 Monday night television shows. The criteria for these shows are as follows: will they lighten your somber Monday mood, and are the characters stories enough to keep your interest.

The first of the top 3 Monday night TV shows is "How I Met Your Mother". The show is about a man named Ted Mosbey telling his future children about his life events and encounters with friends all leading to him meeting their mother. An episode of "How I Met Your Mother" can result in many laughs. There are 5 main characters that all blend nicely together to make a hilarious sitcom that will keep you tuning in weekly.

"Two and a Half Men", which can get daffy with the same elements of humour weekly. Overall is a comedy that does bring weekly enjoyment. Charlie Sheen stars as the successful brother who copes with his brother Alan and his dim-witted son Jake making two and a half men.

The last of the top 3 Monday night TV shows is "The Big Bang Theory" . "The Big Bang Theory" features 4 brainiac's who have challenges living a normal life. When an actractive women moves across the hall and becomes friends with the four nerds, life becomes quite humourous.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber on Fleet Street

Coming off the Broadway stage in to Tim Burton's creative eye, "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber on Fleet Street" is a must see for your horror meets musical needs. Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter provide mind blowing performances . Oscar winning for "Best Achievement in Art Direction" also, nominated for "Best Performance by Lead Role" for Johnny Depp, and "Best Achievement in Costume Design". "Sweeney Todd" is not only an astonishing film, but has an unbelievably breathtaking soundtrack. The first moment you hear Johnny Depp sing you have to wonder, why hasn't he been doing this all along? After much vocal training Helena Bonham Carter did an impeccable job portraying "Mrs.Lovette". The most shocking experience while watching this film was to see Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) and Alan Rickman (Professor Snape from Harry Potter) have singing numbers and perform admirably. But if 2 years ago you told me I'd see "Captain Jack Sparrow" and "Professor Snape" singing a duet about 'Pretty Women' I wouldn't have believed it. Overall, the plot got more and more interesting keeping you on your toes the whole way through until the very end.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

You really can compare Twilight to anything.

1.) The jeopardy of lack of interest.

2.) In the story "The Lottery" it appears to be an average community with friendly neighbours. Later, you discover that the village of people has an annual tradition to kill a member of their town. What seemed to be normal families gathering for, our happy interpretation of a lottery. Turns into the brutal stoning of one of their loved ones. As in the novel "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. The Volturi the leaders of the vampire society, has tradition to kill any human who comes in contact with them. In this story the Cullen family separates themselves from the traditional vampire ways to massacre anyone in the human race to feed on. The Volturi feel no remorse to take the lives of anyone, they think of it as completely normal to kill innocent bystanders just to quench their thirst. As do every other vampire in the world they just accept the fact that they kill humans for blood and find nothing wrong with it. Much like "The Lottery" where they find it completely acceptable to kill whoever draws the black dot.

3.) In "The Perils of Indifference" Elie Wiesel tells his story how he survived Auschwitz. The way Auschwitz run is actually quite similar to the community of "The Lottery". Well, only not as drastic. A majority of the Nazi's killing the Jewish didn't know what they are doing. They had just been brought up and brainwashed to do these things without even thinking twice about it. Just like in "The Lottery" everyone is brought up knowing one tradition to kill one person every year. Both of these situations being incredibly morally wrong, without knowing more in life then just your tradition can lead to terrible things such as these.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What to blog about?

Creativity I've learned is they key to being successful in English 12. To enhance this creativity we have been given the opportunity to state topics that would grab our interest to elaborate on. In my opinion I would like to see a topic that is very open, one that you can let your thoughts wonder where ever you allow them. Personally, I find those topics the most enjoyable. For example a topic being simply "Green" could be quite interesting and I could see myself producing a brilliantly creative blog from such a topic. As suggested in the classroom earlier, I would also like to write on movies, music, and books I love. I find it easiest to write about what you like and share your opinions on your favorite pieces of literature or music. Topic's that are in general just fun and amusing are always encouraged. Anything along those lines makes writing more fun and you can enjoy writing it instead of dreading it. I have found in this class there has been no lack on topics such as these. I say it brings English much more enjoyment then I have been used to having in a regular English class and believe me this is not a normal English class. I have Mrs. Searcy to thank for that.

Friday, September 5, 2008

If I Could Have Any Super Power

Given the opportunity to acquire any super natural power of my desire I would choose invisibility. Now I have come to the conclusion that the ability to become invisible at any instant is far superior to any other power. My reasoning behind this statement is fairly simple. Being able to blend in to your surroundings and frolic around unknowingly in your community would trump anything any other power could do. Some may choose to fly, even have super speed or strength. However invisibility can make those look like a greasy burger with fries compared to an exquisite plate of escargot. The many possibilities of this power are as follows. Take this into consideration if no one could see you, you could board a plane to any destination in the world and not pay a dime. Perhaps your short on cash? Rather then working your butt off at a dead end job that has no benefits, in a flash of a second your invisible. No need to pay for anything. With the incredible advantages to this it does interfere with my morals. Invisibility doesn't need to be used for wrong doing but, it definitely would be a temptation. This power would help when trying to get in a place that you're not allowed to be in. Weather your presence is not welcome or you are just an unknown visitor you could gain any knowledge from the situation by simply just not being seen. These may seem mischievous but everyone is curious and invisibility is the way to fulfil this curiosity. Now if I was able to be given the gift to become invisible I wouldn't rampage around peoples houses and listen to conversations but i would definitely use the power to my advantage.