Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber on Fleet Street

Coming off the Broadway stage in to Tim Burton's creative eye, "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber on Fleet Street" is a must see for your horror meets musical needs. Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter provide mind blowing performances . Oscar winning for "Best Achievement in Art Direction" also, nominated for "Best Performance by Lead Role" for Johnny Depp, and "Best Achievement in Costume Design". "Sweeney Todd" is not only an astonishing film, but has an unbelievably breathtaking soundtrack. The first moment you hear Johnny Depp sing you have to wonder, why hasn't he been doing this all along? After much vocal training Helena Bonham Carter did an impeccable job portraying "Mrs.Lovette". The most shocking experience while watching this film was to see Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) and Alan Rickman (Professor Snape from Harry Potter) have singing numbers and perform admirably. But if 2 years ago you told me I'd see "Captain Jack Sparrow" and "Professor Snape" singing a duet about 'Pretty Women' I wouldn't have believed it. Overall, the plot got more and more interesting keeping you on your toes the whole way through until the very end.

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