Thursday, October 30, 2008

Don't Put Gum on the Bottom of your Desk

Dear, Mr. Thomas

I am terribly sorry for my actions that took place Thursday afternoon, and I intend to not repeat them. Although Mr. Thomas I feel it my duty to inform you of all the details of the events that lead up to Mrs. Oversea's admission to the hospital.
You see Mr.Thomas, it all actually started Thursday morning. It was 7:45 and I was running late for my bus and I didn't have time to complete my daily routine, I left the house with out brushing my teeth or eat my breakfast. Frantically I was racing against the bus to beat it to my bus stop, but failed. In result to missing my bus I had to start on my walk to school. After dodging two dogs, a surprise attack of a sprinkler, not to mention my Grandma's senile pal Bert who doesn't get the point of being in a hurry. Finally, I arrived at school at 9:36 when I arrived to my socials class. Mrs. Oversea was not impressed with my late entrance, I could tell by her hostile glare she shot me. I sat in my regular seat and took my pencil and tried to catch myself up on what I had missed in the hours time I was absent. I turned to my friend Heather Middleton to get an explanation of the gibberish on the board. I saw disgust in her face then quickly realized the awful morning breath I must be giving off, then asked for a piece of gum. Gladly she unzipped her bag and took out a package of gum and gave a piece to me. Now with the mix of the silent classroom and Mrs. Oversea's ability to hear a mouse scurry across the floor 3 classrooms over, she turned to me and with a stern voice said "I hope that's not gum in your mouth Mr. Matthews!" I immediately responded with "No Ma'am!" Heather along with my fellows classmates snickered as she turned back to continue writing on the board.
"Good one," Heather still choked with laughter secretly whispered to me.
Now, no one could have guessed what was about to happen next. It wasn't long before my gum had lost it's flavor 15 minutes later, so much for extra long lasting. Removing the chewed piece of gum out of my mouth, I started to innocently stick it to the bottom of my desk. Unaware of Mrs. Oversea's eyes locked in my direction she began to turn red. My best guess she was fuming with anger, she opened her mouth and spat out "MR. MATTHEWS! YOU HAVE GIVEN ME NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO GIVE YOU DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL TODAY! WHERE YOU CAN NOT ONLY CLEAN THE BOTTOM OF YOUR DESK BUT MAKE SURE THIS ENTIRE ROOM IS SPOTLESS!"
The entire class was in complete shock as was I. Awkward silence was all the remained until the bell rang for the end of class. I never truly appreciated the quote "Saved by the bell" as much as I did at that moment. Well, rather then bore you with the rest of my day leading to 3:00 I'll just get right to it. Although, you may hear the cafeteria lady mention my name and something about causing a ruckus in the lunch line.
I entered Mrs. Oversea's classroom for my second time that day. We made eye contact, I nodded and waited to hear the instructions she was about to leave me. She handed me a scrapper thing and I began taking the gum off all the desks. I was flabbergasted at the amount of gum on the bottom of these desks, and wondered how anyone had managed to do so with Mrs. Oversea's eagle eye. After completing this task I began to clean the chalkboards. This is where trouble began. Mrs. Oversea excused herself, but warned she would be back momentarily and not to think about executing any of my childish antics. Once she left I decided it was time for my break and walked over to her desk and sat in her chair. I took this opportunity to check my email. I looked up and saw Mrs. Oversea glaring at me through the doorway, startled I jumped up and knocked over my pop on her keyboard. Sparks began to fly, Mrs. Oversea screaming at the top of her lungs, a spark must have got on her dress and she was now in flames. Frantically I thought of ways I could help her, unfortunately I'm no Smokey the Bear and only made matters worse. It all happened so fast the only thing I remember getting out was "STOP, DROP AND ROLL! STOP, DROP AND ROLL!" But she wasn't stopping or dropping or rolling! I thought that bringing her down would help her, how was I supposed to know she had a bad hip. Help came and Mrs. Oversea was sent to hospital, luckily there was no damage from the fire that was on her dress but her hip is in rough shape. Doctor says she'll make a full recovery and be back teaching within the month.
So Mr. Thomas as you can see it was all an accident, a terrible mishap. I sincerely hope Mrs. Oversea will find it somewhere in her to forgive me for my terrible actions. Until then I hope you could pass my inquiry to change my socials class in the middle of the semester.

Taylor Matthews

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