Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Top 3 Monday Night TV Shows

Nobody enjoys Monday's, in fact it is the most depressing day of the week. As much as the over tired population would desire to eliminate the day it's unavoidable. Might as well make to most of it, which brings the top 3 Monday night television shows. The criteria for these shows are as follows: will they lighten your somber Monday mood, and are the characters stories enough to keep your interest.

The first of the top 3 Monday night TV shows is "How I Met Your Mother". The show is about a man named Ted Mosbey telling his future children about his life events and encounters with friends all leading to him meeting their mother. An episode of "How I Met Your Mother" can result in many laughs. There are 5 main characters that all blend nicely together to make a hilarious sitcom that will keep you tuning in weekly.

"Two and a Half Men", which can get daffy with the same elements of humour weekly. Overall is a comedy that does bring weekly enjoyment. Charlie Sheen stars as the successful brother who copes with his brother Alan and his dim-witted son Jake making two and a half men.

The last of the top 3 Monday night TV shows is "The Big Bang Theory" . "The Big Bang Theory" features 4 brainiac's who have challenges living a normal life. When an actractive women moves across the hall and becomes friends with the four nerds, life becomes quite humourous.

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