Thursday, September 18, 2008

What to blog about?

Creativity I've learned is they key to being successful in English 12. To enhance this creativity we have been given the opportunity to state topics that would grab our interest to elaborate on. In my opinion I would like to see a topic that is very open, one that you can let your thoughts wonder where ever you allow them. Personally, I find those topics the most enjoyable. For example a topic being simply "Green" could be quite interesting and I could see myself producing a brilliantly creative blog from such a topic. As suggested in the classroom earlier, I would also like to write on movies, music, and books I love. I find it easiest to write about what you like and share your opinions on your favorite pieces of literature or music. Topic's that are in general just fun and amusing are always encouraged. Anything along those lines makes writing more fun and you can enjoy writing it instead of dreading it. I have found in this class there has been no lack on topics such as these. I say it brings English much more enjoyment then I have been used to having in a regular English class and believe me this is not a normal English class. I have Mrs. Searcy to thank for that.

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